The barbute was a common Italian infantry helmet of the XV century. A barbute was always visorless, but its “face” came in three basic forms: open, T-shaped, or Y-shaped. Its major innovation was its extension of the “cheeks” towards the middle of the face, which provided more protection while maintaining excellent visibility and breathing capability. This type of helmet is essentially a (for the time) modern version of the helmets of Greek hoplites; especially those crafted with a Y-shape (Sorinphian Barbute). The name for this type of helmet is derived from the Italian word “barba” (beard) and more or less means “bearded” as the wearer’s beard would be visible after having donned it.
Our Barbute is of the open-faced variety and can be crafted from mild, tempered, or stainless steel, or titanium according to your needs and preferences.
Please note that our basic polishing is matte.
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